MOTOWORLD Shop & Save Sale

  • Get Back Into Riding, Treat Yourself Some Gears

While our Nation is finally eased to general community quarantine, the life of our fellow Filipino riders are slowly starting to get into new normal! Establishments are re-opening and so as the expected busy roads have once again returned. The motorcycle has been the “go-to” option for many Filipinos at their means of transportation during the different levels of Community Quarantine to prevent the spread of the deadly disease – COVID-19.Motoworld doesn’t want riders escaping the threats of the disease only to expose themselves to the dangers of traffic accidents.

With their mission to endlessly bring protection while on the road, they came up with a week-long sale just for you! And as Motoworld Values your Health & Safety, newnormal safety measures such as wearing masks, socialdistancing and disinfecting of goods will be implemented. Get very own protective gears and accessories such ashelmet, goggles, jackets, shoes, bags, oils, and many more at a discounted price!

Don’t miss out on this SHOP & SAVE SALE and get up to 20% discount on all regular priced items starting this 18th of June until the 22nd! Motoworld wants to Gear you UP after the Enhanced Community Quarantine! Check out thelist of store details today at and be the first one to experience these exclusive deals!