Angkas Passenger Shield Approval


Maraming, maraming, maraming salamat po Sec. Lorenzana, Sec. Año, Sec. Galvez, Sec. Dizon, the IATF, and the NTF for the swift action and decisiveness on public transport safety.

The responsiveness that you have shown especially during this pandemic is a great service to the Filipino people.

This is the culmination of many long weeks of testing and improving dozens of prototypes. Published here are images of the approved design, as well as its key feaures and highlights, to reassure the public of the kind of thinking that went into the shield’s development.

We look forward to collaborating closely with the IATF on this and furthering the safety of all Filipinos during this pandemic.

Maraming salamat po!

George Royeca
Chief Transport Advocate

Anti-COVID Motorcycle Pasenger Shield Highlights: 

1. Minimized Viral Transmission 

The shield’s size and concave proflle minimize likelihood of transmission (mainly from passenger to driver). The plastic materials used on the shield also make disinfection very easy. 

2. Designed for Road Safety 

Shield is rigid at low forces (everyday use as a virus barrier when riding), and flexible upon impact (in the event of an accident). The thin PP Sheet can survive massive forces without shattering and sharding, and the dulled/polished edges signihcantly minimizes risk of cutting/slicing in the event of a crash. 

3. Aerodynamic 

The back-swept flaps improve airflow for minimized drag and barrier deformationn at speed. 

4. High Passenger visibility Thin but rigid barriers allow almost unobstructed passenger visibility. 

5. Lightweight The shield weighs ~1kg only for prolonged usage. Easy to put on and remove repeatedly for regular disinfection. 

6. Ergonomic for the Passenger 

Lower third of the shield is tapered to accommodate passenger’s legs. Passenger grips are located at the base of the spine to minimize accidental counter-steering (versus if located near the arms/shoulders) and allow passengers to rest their arms on their thighs while holding on. 

7. Adaptable and Scalable 

Backpack style design makes it easy to use across motorcycle types. Materials and design make It easy to produce at low costs by many manufacturers to make it accessible to most Filipinos