How Pinoys Drive Today

  • About the Shell Driving Experiment

Ever wonder how it feels to be driving a car in this day and age? How do drivers’ emotions affect their performance at the wheel?

For Shell, these questions led to its creation of the largest ever driving experiment called “Shell Driving Experiment”, which brought together 2,000 participants across 11 countries including 300 drivers in Metro Manila, Cebu and Davao.

With the use of cutting-edge emotion tracking technology, ChatBots, mobile apps, weather and traffic information, results of the study showed very interesting findings about Pinoy Drivers.

1.) Pinoys enjoy driving their car – this can be said after Filipino participants emerged as having the highest driving performance and efficiency compared to others joining from Malaysia, Germany, and the Netherlands.

2.) Gender shows who drives, but it has nothing to do with how we drive – much to the disappointment of some people who seem to have a thing to say against females taking charge of the wheel, the study revealed that gender has no significant influence on driving performance. Instead, The study uncovered unique, high-performing personality types in the Philippines that differentiates between the “Modern Man” and the “Gamma Woman.” (more here)

3.) Pinoy’s ‘malasakit’ for the family shows in the way they drive – they tend to be more careful when significant others are with them, such as their children among others. (more here)

4.) Where the Pinoy driver is heading matters -while stress is a constant emotion regardless of their destination, the feeling of being stressed is at a greater degree when people drive to the office compared to when they head to other destinations. This cautions us to exercise more patience on the road especially during rush hours of the morning.

5.) Pinoys want to be filled when they drive – it is important for the Pinoys to stay hydrated and nourished on the road. It’s probably why street vendors abound, selling all sorts of beverages and snacks. However, being filled is incomplete without nourishment. Consuming healthy drinks and snacks matter for the driver to stay sharp. Thus, it’s only fitting that Shell also launched Deli2Go to bring healthy food and beverage offerings closer to consumers.(more here)

Source: Shell Philippines