In a festive summer musical event hosted by Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC), the company introduced its latest edition of the Isuzu D-MAX and Isuzu mu-X at Alabang Town...
Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC) announces upcoming ‘Isuzu Summer Music Festival’ at the Alabang Town Center – Town Plaza on April 21 to 23, 2023, teasing...
Isuzu elevates family experience with its new redefined Isuzu mu-X More than what meets the eye, the new Isuzu mu-X is packed with intuitive family features like its...
Isuzu Tagum, Isuzu Philippines Corporation’s (IPC) dealership in northern part of Davao Region, is celebrating its second anniversary with a mini truck fest in its dealershowroom from March 17 to 19, 2023. Isuzu Tagum dealership, under the...
Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC) turned-over Php 250,000 cash donation to National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) in time for its World Kidney Day 2023 celebration on March 9 at...
One of the pioneer dealer partners of Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC), INTECO Isuzu Group of Dealership, in partnership with Women’s Business Council Philippines Inc. (WomenBizPH), officially handed over one...
Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC) recognized the exemplary performance of its dealers in the recent 2022 Dealer of the Year Awards (DOYA) held in Marriott Grand Ballroom last January 27, 2023. The...
Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC) officially introduced Tetsuya Fujita, replacing Noboru Murakami as president of the company. Apart from welcoming IPC’s new president, the ceremony also served as an avenue for the outgoing president, Murakami, to express his gratitude for the...
Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC) has proven once again its truck supremacy in the industry after being certified by Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines, Inc. (CAMPI) and Truck Manufacturers Association, Inc. (TMA) as the number 1...
After introducing its Road to Progress vision in 2022, Isuzu Philippines Corporation (IPC) launches its Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Project with the goal of becoming energy self-sufficient to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emission...