Repsol, a renowned global leader in energy and petrochemicals, has introduced the industry’s first and exclusive 7-liter gallon packaging for lubricants. This groundbreaking revelation occurred...
In a significant move towards fostering a more inclusive, dynamic, and robust transportation sector in the Philippines, Grab Philippines applauds the recent announcement by the...
On February 21, 2024, the rugged terrain of the Philippines became a battleground for 14 competitive teams as they commenced the Petron Philippine Overland Expedition...
The Metro Manila Council (MMC), under the auspices of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), has approved a resolution today, implementing restrictions on the usage...
Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank) and Shell Pilipinas Corporation (Shell) have forged a powerful partnership to introduce a groundbreaking credit card that aims to...
Grab Philippines, a dedicated partner in the nation-building efforts of the government, is strengthening its commitment to economic empowerment in Cagayan De Oro. With the...
Attention, motorists, gearheads, and thrill-seekers! Get ready to rev your engines and fuel your dreams because Petron Corporation, the undisputed industry leader, is dropping a...
To help pave the way for a safer sea turtle nesting season, Chevron Philippines Inc. (CPI), marketer of Caltex fuels and lubricants, and its partners...
Nueva Ecija, renowned as the Rice Bowl of the Philippines, proudly joins the forefront of the nation’s fastest-growing chain of fuel stations with the inauguration...
Surpassing mere gimmickry, Petron has once again crafted opportunities for real and exciting rewards — the Petron Loyalty Craze. Petron Loyalty Craze continues to reward thousands...