Chevron Philippines Inc. (CPI), marketer of the Caltex brand of top-quality fuels, lubricants, and petroleum products, recently undertook live fuel marking at its import terminal in San Pascual, Batangas.
The fuel marking activity was held last November 11, 2019 and was witnessed by officials from the Bureau of Customs (BOC) and representatives from the fuel marker consortium, SICPA SA –SGS Philippines, and CPI.
In doing so, CPI became the first among the Big 3 oil companies to comply with the government’s fuel marking requirement that aims to curb oil smuggling in the country by placing a molecular marker on imported, manufactured and refined fuel products namely, gasoline, diesel, and kerosene.
“CPI supports the government’s initiative to curb fuel smuggling through this fuel marking program. We hope that this program will level the playing field among the industry participants and ensure that all oil companies pay the correct taxes and help build the nation,” CPI Country Chairman Louie Zhang said.
Chevron Philippines Inc., marketer of the Caltex brand of fuels and lubricants, became the first of the “Big 3” oil companies in the Philippines to have undergone fuel marking in its Batangas Terminal Facility. Photo shows Donald C. Umali (left), Chevron Batangas Terminal Manager, and Atty. Teddy Raval (2nd from left), BOC Deputy Commissioner for Enforcement Group and head of the implementing BOC office on the government’s Fuel Marking Program (FMP). Other BOC officials who joined them during the fuel marking activity were Atty. Edward Ibera (3rd from left), BOC Batangas Deputy Collector for Operations, and Mr. Caliph Dagpin (4th from left), BOC Batangas Deputy Collector for Assessment.
Following the recent completion of the implementing rules and regulations for the FMP, gasoline, diesel and kerosene shall be tested for compliance with the prescribed dilution level, whether at the refinery, terminal or retail sites.
About Chevron Philippines Inc.
Chevron Philippines Inc. has been operating in the country for more than 90 years. Caltex™, its retail brand, offers high quality products and services. There are close to 600 service stations strategically scattered throughout the Philippine archipelago and employees working in several areas of business such as Marketing, Lubricants and Terminal operations. The Chevron products that are available in the Philippines include Caltex with Techron® fuel and Caltex Diesel with Techron®D, Havoline® and Delo® oils. More information on Chevron Philippines Inc. is available at